
Navigating change

COVID-19 and the 180-degree shift changes the way of how we work. This has prompted me to reimagined my engagements on the online platform. More than that ever, I am learning how to use online collaboration tools and technology to support my work and get the same impactful and quality of information that I would get with in-person engagements.

The question remains - How can we improve our engagements in online meetings?

Navigating change

COVID-19 and the 180-degree shift changes the way of how we work. This has prompted me to reimagined my engagements on the online platform. More than that ever, I am learning how to use online collaboration tools and technology to support my work and get the same impactful and quality of information that I would get with in-person engagements.

The question remains - How do we navigate away and start changing our way of work for the better?

Navigating change

COVID-19 and the 180-degree shift changes the way of how we work. This has prompted me to reimagined my engagements on the online platform. More than that ever, I am learning how to use online collaboration tools and technology to support my work and get the same impactful and quality of information that I would get with in-person engagements.

The question remains - How do we navigate away and start changing our way of work for the better?

Navigating change

COVID-19 and the 180-degree shift changes the way of how we work. This has prompted me to reimagined my engagements on the online platform. More than that ever, I am learning how to use online collaboration tools and technology to support my work and get the same impactful and quality of information that I would get with in-person engagements.

The question remains - How do we navigate away and start changing our way of work for the better?

5 recommendations for quality remote meetings

Resources and materials


How I use Design Thinking to champion and align the JTBD (Jobs to be Done) tasks


Snapshots of work with my clients and Capco teams

Snapshots of work with my clients and Capco teams

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