2023, TrueMoney Cambodia

Together with Vannda, TrueMoney aspires to onboard the next generation of Cambodia, a personalised financial management app.


Brief and intermission

A 2022 Design Thinking workshop birthed TrueMoney Cambodia, a new, inspiring idea that no one has yet done within the local fintech space; it is to engage the next generation of consumers and reconnect them with an influencer of their generation, Vannda, a well-known rapper, hip-hop artist..

A 2022 Design Thinking workshop birthed TrueMoney Cambodia a new, inspiring idea where none has yet done within the local fintech space, is to engage the next generation of consumers and reconnect them with an influencer of their generation, Vannda, a well-known rapper, hip-hop artist.

A 2022 Design Thinking workshop birthed TrueMoney Cambodia a new, inspiring idea where none has yet done within the local fintech space, is to engage the next generation of consumers and reconnect them with an influencer of their generation, Vannda, a well-known rapper, hip-hop artist.

A 2022 Design Thinking workshop birthed TrueMoney Cambodia a new, inspiring idea where none has yet done within the local fintech space, is to engage the next generation of consumers and reconnect them with an influencer of their generation, Vannda, a well-known rapper, hip-hop artist.


The approach

We partner with Vannda to create a personalised theme wallet, with Vannda endorsed services and promotions, to reconnect with his fans.

Customers can also apply for a limited-time ‘Vannda x Mastercard’ virtual card for their daily spendings. By creating a personalised theme for the fanbase, it enables our team to:

• Iterate and co-experiment features and services to what Vannda’s fanbase desires. 

• Keep existing business and product metrics untouched with the default theme. This reduces the existing customers’ burden of having to onboard with changes that they don’t fit, or that will affect their experience in fund-in or money transfer services

• Collect, measure and validate feedback, then implement improvements and additional Vannda features to keep fans engaged

We partner with Vannda to create a personalised theme wallet, with Vannda endorsed services and promotions, to reconnect with his fans.

Customers can apply for a limited-time ‘Vannda x Mastercard’ virtual card for their daily spendings. By doing so, enables TrueMoney to:

• Measure and reiterate our product features to what works best for Vannda’s fanbase

• Maintain current MAU and TPV with the default theme mode. This lessens the burden of having existing customers to onboard with these changes, as it may affect their experience in funding in or transferring money

• Collect, measure and validate feedback, then implement improvements and additional Vannda features to keep fans engaged

We partner with Vannda to create a personalised theme wallet, with Vannda endorsed services and promotions, to reconnect with his fans.

Customers can apply for a limited-time ‘Vannda x Mastercard’ virtual card for their daily spendings. By doing so, enables TrueMoney to:

• Measure and reiterate our product features to what works best for Vannda’s fanbase

• Maintain current MAU and TPV with the default theme mode. This lessens the burden of having existing customers to onboard with these changes, as it may affect their experience in funding in or transferring money

• Collect, measure and validate feedback, then implement improvements and additional Vannda features to keep fans engaged

We partner with Vannda to create a personalised theme wallet, with Vannda endorsed services and promotions, to reconnect with his fans.

Customers can apply for a limited-time ‘Vannda x Mastercard’ virtual card for their daily spendings. By doing so, enables TrueMoney to:

• Measure and reiterate our product features to what works best for Vannda’s fanbase

• Maintain current MAU and TPV with the default theme mode. This lessens the burden of having existing customers to onboard with these changes, as it may affect their experience in funding in or transferring money

• Collect, measure and validate feedback, then implement improvements and additional Vannda features to keep fans engaged

We partner with Vannda to create a personalised theme wallet, with Vannda endorsed services and promotions, to reconnect with his fans.

Customers can apply for a limited-time ‘Vannda x Mastercard’ virtual card for their daily spendings. By doing so, enables TrueMoney to:

• Measure and reiterate our product features to what works best for Vannda’s fanbase

• Maintain current MAU and TPV with the default theme mode. This lessens the burden of having existing customers to onboard with these changes, as it may affect their experience in funding in or transferring money

• Collect, measure and validate feedback, then implement improvements and additional Vannda features to keep fans engaged


Insight and Key Takeaways

Since its launch in June 2023 to March 2024, we have seen an increase in wallet account signups, a steady increase in Vannda mode activation, and engagement with the features and services created.

Regrettably, we have missed one crucial factor: technology and device fit. We learnt that most of our Android customers with devices below the requirement can not activate this mode, thus resulting in a big-miss conversion.


Total activation on Vannda Mode


Active fans


New users who cannot activate

Project team


Jason Pang, Yulong Ouk


Jason Pang, Yulong Ouk

Design Lead

Jason Pang


Brice Martinez, Tharo Rinna,
Mao Chen


Brice Martinez, Tharo Rinna,
Mao Chen


Brice Martinez, Tharo Rhinna, Mao Chen


Bonaro Eap


Bonaro EAP

Brand & Communications

Norobatey Heing

Brand & Communications

Norobatey Heing


Pisith Phal


Pisith Phal

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